ゆうまちゃんはいつから・ぬいぐるみ画像・由来When did Yuuma-chan come into the picture?Stuffed toy image/origin
As mentioned here, the original Gunma-chan was a character based on a four-legged running horse. The first generation Gunma-chan was created by Noboru Baba for the Akagi National Athletic Meet held in 1983, and when the Yuuma-chan'' introduced here took over the name
Second Generation Gunma-chan”, the role was changed. Ta.
So, what kind of character is “Yuma-chan” and what is the origin of the mascot? This is a picture of Yuuma-chan’s stuffed toy.

that? Isn’t “Yuuma-chan” “Gunma-chan”? What’s the difference? I’m sure some of you thought so. That’s right, Yuuma-chan’s character is the current Gunma-chan’s character. I would like to write another post about why “Yuuma-chan” became the current “Second Generation Gunma-chan.” This time, I would like to unravel the details about “Yuuma-chan”.
ゆうまちゃんの由来・ゆうあいピックOrigin of Yuuma-chan/Yuai Pick
ゆうあいピックとは、全国知的障害者スポーツ大会の愛称です。ゆうあいピックの「ゆうあい」というのは、「友愛」と「you と I」という2つの意味があると言われています。ゆうあいピックは、1992年に東京で開催されたのが初めで、1993年は熊本県、1994年は群馬県、1995年は兵庫県、1996年は北海道、1997年は愛知県、1998年は茨城県、1999年は島根県、2000年は岐阜県で開催されました。その後、全国身体障害者スポーツ大会と統合され、全国障害者スポーツ大会となりました。現在も全国障害者スポーツ大会のシンボルマークが下記です。(ここで書くことではありませんが…「障害者」という漢字、いい加減にやめて欲しい…私個人的には「障がい者」に変えて欲しいと思っています。)2019年の茨城県での大会は台風により中止、2020年の鹿児島県での大会は新型コロナウイルス感染症により延期になっていますので、どうか早く無事に開催できる状況になりますようにと祈っています。
YuaiPik is the nickname for the National Sports Tournament for People with Intellectual Disabilities. The word Yu-ai'' in Yu-ai Pick is said to have two meanings:
friendship” and “you and I.” Yuai Pick was first held in Tokyo in 1992, followed by Kumamoto Prefecture in 1993, Gunma Prefecture in 1994, Hyogo Prefecture in 1995, Hokkaido in 1996, Aichi Prefecture in 1997, and Ibaraki Prefecture in 1998. It was held in Shimane Prefecture in 1999 and Gifu Prefecture in 2000. Later, it was merged with the National Sports Festival for the Physically Disabled to become the National Sports Festival for the Disabled. Today, the symbol of the National Sports Festival for the Disabled is shown below. (This is not what I am writing here, but… I wish they would stop using the kanji for “disabled person”… Personally, I would like it to be changed to “disabled person.”) In Ibaraki Prefecture in 2019 The tournament was canceled due to a typhoon, and the 2020 tournament in Kagoshima Prefecture has been postponed due to the new coronavirus infection, so I hope that the situation will be able to be held safely as soon as possible.

さて、上述したとおり、群馬県は比較的早い時期にゆうあいピックを開催することとなったわけです。1994年に群馬県で開催したゆうあいピックのスローガンは「いま 君がすばらしい」でした。この際、すでにぐんまちゃん初代のキャラクターが存在していた群馬県。しかし、(おそらく著作権の関係で2パターンしか使用できないということが理由だったと思われますが)新たなマスコットキャラクターを公募しました。
Well, as mentioned above, Gunma Prefecture decided to hold the Yu-Ai Pick relatively early. The slogan of the Yu-Ai Pick held in Gunma Prefecture in 1994 was “Now you are amazing.” At this time, Gunma Prefecture already had the first Gunma-chan character. However, (probably because only two patterns could be used due to copyright reasons), a new mascot character was solicited from the public.
I couldn’t find the recruitment guidelines at that time, so I don’t know what the conditions were, but out of about 30 entries, a character based on this pony was chosen. At this stage, “Yuma-chan” was still an unnamed pony character.
After that, a call for nicknames for the Yu-Ai Pick Gunma Tournament’s “mascot” was held. On February 22, 1994, the news that this mascot had been chosen was first published in the newspaper, and a call for nicknames was held. The recruitment period was until March 23, 1994, and applicants who lived, worked, or were studying in Gunma Prefecture were eligible to apply.
According to page 17 of the April 26, 1994 morning edition of the Jomo Shimbun, 2,607 Gunma prefecture residents applied for this mascot nickname. Apparently, 3,445 nicknames were submitted. Apparently 92 of them named her “Yuma-chan”, which was the highest number. In addition to this, there were 277 people who gave him similar nicknames such as Yume-kun'' and
Yuma-chan.” This character was named Yuma-chan'' due to the passion of the people of Gunma Prefecture. The name is said to be a combination of the
Yu” in Yuai Pick'' and the
Ma” in “Gunma.”
This “Yuma-chan” first played an active role at the Yu-Ai Pick Gunma tournament. Ten events were held: softball, table tennis, track and field, baseball, soccer, volleyball, basketball, flying disc, swimming, and bowling. And Yuuma-chan designs for each competition were born. The one in this image is a wristwatch featuring a softball mascot. Nowadays, it can be said to be a valuable item as it has “yuumachan” printed on it.

ゆうまちゃんのデザイナー・経緯・ゆうまちゃんの受賞歴Yuuma-chan’s designer, history, and award history of Yuuma-chan

1位 群馬県 ゆうまちゃん 2716票
2位 鳥取県 トリピー 478票
3位 秋田県 スギッチ 406票
4位 山形県 ペロリン 319票
5位 徳島県 すだちくん 245票
“Yuma-chan” looks like this when she lies down. The designer of Yuuma-chan was Fumiko Nakajima, an employee of Gunma Prefecture. Before working at the Gunma Prefectural Office, Nakajima worked at a design office, and she also had experience creating illustrations. Four years after Nakajima changed his job to the Gunma Prefectural Office, he was working in the public relations department when he discovered an open recruitment for this mascot character! She then got a Mac computer and was challenged to create characters.
After all, Gunma Prefecture is home to the first generation Gunma-chan, created by Noboru Baba during the 1983 Akagi National Athletic Meet. That’s why he was created with the aim of making him a sub-character of Gunma-chan, eliminating all borders, and allowing him to play a variety of sports.
Regarding the transfer of copyright, which was an issue with Noboru Baba, Mr. Nakajima included a “design change” to Gunma Prefecture, so there was a boy version, a girl version, and various other clothes and styles. There is a wide variety of things to do.
Eliminate all borders. Gender, nationality, age, disability… A while ago, the term “diversity” was used a lot, but this was a long time ago. Even if the word “diversity” existed, it probably would not have been used in the way it is today. I was struck by the fact that it was created with the intention of eliminating all borders.
And since you can make any kind of facial expression, I feel like when I look at this character, my own feelings are projected onto it. When I’m sad, I feel like someone is crying with me, when I’m happy, I’m rejoicing with me, and when I’m feeling lonely, someone is there with me to encourage me and listen to my stories. He’s not only cute, but also kind and heart-warming.
In this way, “Yuuma-chan” was born in 1994, but as explained below, the name was changed to “Second Generation Gunma-chan” in 2008. I will post separately about what happened after becoming the second generation Gunma-chan, but have you received any awards during your time as Yuuma-chan?
Sponsored by Mainichi Shimbun from December 24, 2004 to January 31, 2005, a “National Character Contest” for PR characters was held on the Mainichi Shimbun’s website. Twelve prefectures participated in this national character contest. It seems that there was a second round of the national character contest, but “Yuma-chan” seemed to have been extremely popular since the first stage, receiving 2,716 votes out of 5,123, or 53%, the majority. It seems that it was popular enough to receive a lot of votes.
By the way, the top 5 characters and the number of votes are as follows.
1st place Gunma Prefecture Yuuma-chan 2716 votes
2nd place Tottori Prefecture Tripi 478 votes
3rd place Akita Prefecture Sugic 406 votes
4th place Yamagata Prefecture Perorin 319 votes
5th place Tokushima Prefecture Sudachi-kun 245 votes
*There were 959 other invalid votes.
The links are to the current sites of each character.
Please note that Sugic resigned on November 29, 2017, which is the expiration date of the memorandum with the original copyright holder.
ゆうまちゃんの活躍Yuma-chan’s activities
Yuuma-chan first appeared as the mascot character for the 1994 Yu-Ai-Pick Gunma Tournament, but gained popularity for her cuteness and flexible transformation, and was featured in the 9th National Sports and Recreation Festival (held in Gunma Prefecture in 1996). He also served as the mascot character for the 9th Sportsrec Gunma ’96) and the 17th National Health and Welfare Festival (Nenrin Pick) held in Gunma Prefecture in 2004.
In addition, Yuuma-chan was widely used for announcements from Gunma Prefecture to Gunma residents. In addition to appearing on the cover of Gunma Prefecture’s public information paper, they also publicize Gunma Prefecture’s financial statements as Yuuma-chan's household account book,'' and promote the home version of the ISO promotion project as
Yuma-chan’s Prefectural Eco-book.” It played a major role in bringing the prefecture and its citizens closer together, by naming it “Yuma-chan’s Children’s Environment White Paper” and featuring it on the top page of the prefecture’s childcare support portal site. In this way, “Yuuma-chan” has grown into a character loved by many Gunma prefecture residents, and continues to be loved by many people even after changing its name to “Second Generation Gunma-chan” in 2008.